Aquarena Center Wetlands Walk Podcast
Wednesday, July 18th, 2007[Aquarena Wetlands Podcast]
(recorded wetland chorus) Welcome to the Aquarena Center Wetlands Walk! Your tour is presented in six zones. Look for the zone numbers as you proceed through the wetland. When you hear the water drop (recorded water drop), stop your player and proceed to the next zone.
Zone One. What exactly is a wetland? Well, a wetland is an area of land that is either permanently or sporadically wet with shallow water or contains soil that is permanently or sporadically saturated. The combined area of the land and water supports a natural ecosystem of plants and animals that are adapted to wet conditions. Wetlands are part of the Natural Water System of Texas—a collection of aquifers, springs, rivers and streams, lakes and reservoirs, wetlands, bays and estuaries all ultimately leading to the Gulf of Mexico. This interactive system is sustainable only if viewed as a whole in which all of the parts are preserved and protected. This wetland at Aquarena Center is located in the Sink Creek Watershed. A watershed is an area of land that transports water to the lowest point in the landscape— often a lake, river, or stream. Every piece of land, then, is part of a watershed and wetlands are essential to its health for reasons you are about to discover. Scientists are even finding that wetlands help moderate global climate by storing carbon in their plants and soil. So, thanks to wetlands, this wetlands walk has many exciting things to teach us, including how we affect the health of our water, and more importantly what we can do to protect it. Enjoy! (recorded water drop)