Archive for June 8th, 2010

Angler Legacy Movement

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

This is Passport to Texas

If you’re a seasoned angler, put your skills to good use.

09—We really encourage the avid angler to introduce fishing to at least one new person a year. And there’d be no better time to do that than during National Fishing and Boating Week…

National Fishing and Boating week is now through June 13th, and it’s a project of the non-profit Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, or RBFF. Frank Peterson is president and CEO. He invites anglers who are passionate about sharing the sport with others to join the Anglers’ Legacy Movement.

12—If they go to our website, they can join the anglers’ legacy movement. We have over 213-thousand ambassadors around the country who have taken a pledge to introduce fishing to someone new.

On average members of the Anglers’ Legacy movement introduce more than three new people to fishing each year.

12—Another interesting stat on our Ambassador program is that over 70% of the people they introduce to the sport are under the age of 18. So they’re helping to ensure the future of angling and boating in this country.

So introduce someone to fishing this week.

05—That would be a great week to just say, hey, I’m going to do something for young people; I’m going to do something for the sport.

Go to for more information about the Anglers’ Legacy Movement. The Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program supports our series. For Texas parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.