State Park Improvements
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010This is Passport to Texas
The Texas Legislature made funding available to Texas Parks and Wildlife for improvements, construction and repairs at state parks. It may seem like a long time coming, but as our state park guide, Bryan Frazier, tells us—the work is underway.
The two previous legislative bienniums, we got increases in funding, and it takes a little while for that money to makes its way into actual on the ground structures and facilities. And so we’re very please to talk about over the last couple of months, and in the next several months, some major improvements are going to be happening in some of our state parks.
Improvements that people want.
They want to see that it’s being put into full hook-up campsites, or additional staff that are there for law enforcement or interpretive staff, which we’ve hired extra of those over the last couple of bienniums, and just things that make their park experience that much more enjoyable, more conveniences. Nicer and cleaner restrooms and things like that.
So, we’re really pleased that over the next several months, I think people are really going to see that extra money put to use in new facilities, renovations to cabins and structures, and things that people want to see in our parks.
All this month we’ll tell you about some of ongoing improvements around the state.
That’s our show…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.