Archive for January 31st, 2011

TPW Magazine: Freshwater Fishing

Monday, January 31st, 2011

This is Passport to Texas

February always brings with it the promise of spring and… fishing…Louie Bond is Editor of TPW magazine, and she says the February issue celebrates freshwater fishing.

53—We’re going to have an entire issue that focuses on freshwater fishing. And, we’ll take you on a trip fishing for trout in the Guadalupe. We stock lots of trout and it makes for some very exciting fishing. We’ll take a look at ShareLunkers and what might be the hotspot this year for ShareLunkers. Can’t make any promises when it comes to fishing, but Larry Hodge always seems to know where the big fish are lurking and he’s predicting O.H. Ivy is ready for a good run of ShareLunkers this year. And then, we’ll also take a look at what might be a lot of our readers first fishing experience—fishing for crappie—with Paul Cañada. And we’ll take a special look with Kat Hunter at Toledo Bend reservoir, from a granddaughter’s perspective—interviewing her grandmother and her grandmother’s friends about the beginnings of that lake and the impact it’s had on their lives. So, Cecilia, you get a line, I’ll get a pole and I’ll meet you down at the fishing hole.

Thanks Louie.

You can read recent articles from the magazine online, and even subscribe, at

We record our series at the Production Block Studios in Austin, Texas. Joel Block engineers our program.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.