Hunting: Supporting Conservation
Thursday, August 16th, 2012
Bighorn Sheep Release at Big Bend Ranch
This is Passport to Texas
Kenneth Garcia has a name for the kind of hunting he usually does.
08— I called it poor man hunting, because I hunted on state property in New Mexico for mule deer, and some small leases and stuff here in Texas.
The cost of high fence hunting leases offering premium animals are out of reach for most hunters.
07— I look all the time at what they cost nowadays here in Texas, and I go – how can I justify that expenditure –and the answer is I can’t.
Kenneth got a chance to hunt like the “one percent” when in 2010 Texas Parks and Wildlife drew his name to win the grand Slam from Big Time Texas Hunts: four guided hunts for mule deer, white tail, pronghorn and desert bighorn sheep. He’d been spending $10 dollars annually on entries for a dozen years.
06— Oh, okay. So I did it for 12 years; so I put $120 dollars toward that hunt before I won it…whoop-de-doo.
He considers it an investment in habitat conservation, which is how entry fees are used.
17— If you’re a hunter, or a person who enjoys the outdoors, even if you don’t win, it’s being put to good use. And all of us can spare ten bucks—we drop it on useless stuff every day. So putting it on something like this is a whole lot better in the long run.
There are seven premium Big Time Texas Hunts hunt packages, including the grand slam. Online entry is $9 dollars, $10 dollars at license retailers. Deadline to enter is October 15. Find more information the TPW website.
The Wildlife and sport fish restoration program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.