TPW Magazine: Celebrating 50 Years of Texas Parks and Wildlife
Monday, June 10th, 2013This is Passport to Texas
Fifty years of stewardship is something to celebrate…and Editor, Louie Bond, says TPW Magazine is pulling out all the stops for the July edition: a commemorative issue celebrating fifty years of Texas Parks and Wildlife.
59 – We are putting out a commemorative issue. We are so excited about our July issue; we feel it’s going to be the kind of issue that’s going to sit on your coffee table maybe for a year or so. We’re going all out to celebrate TPWD’s 50th anniversary as an agency by adding extra pages, upping our paper quality so the photographs will be more beautiful, and putting more photos than – I believe – we’ve ever put into any issue. And of course there are going to be those usual, stunning, great photos that just make you say ‘wow’ when you turn the page. So, we’re going to be talking about the great partnerships the agency’s had with all different groups across the state – which is really how we get a lot of work done. We’re going to be, of course, touring, our own accomplishments over the past 50 years. And out executive director, Carter Smith is going to write a piece about what we might expect in the next 50 years for Parks and Wildlife. I can’t wait to read that one myself. So, we’re hoping everyone will come and get this issue and share it with their friends and family and help us celebrate this wonderful 50th anniversary.
Thanks, Louie.
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.