Archive for January, 2014

Wildlife/Angling: Fish Genetics

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

A.E. Wood Fish Hatchery

A.E. Wood Fish Hatchery

This is Passport to Texas

04—It’s definitely high tech, cutting edge…we’re really happy to have it.

Lorraine Fries is talking about a DNA Analyzer – a high tech piece of equipment used at the A.E. Wood laboratory in San Marcos. Ms. Fries was the site’s lab director before retiring. Researchers use the analyzer to “fingerprint” hatchery raised fish.

14—We also can use the DNA analyzer for selective breeding programs. We can identify markers associated with traits that we’re interested in and breed for those. We can use it to evaluate stocking success because we can tell what fish we stock.

They do that by simply analyzing a small piece of tissue from the animal.

10—One of the other really great things about DNA is that it’s in all tissues.

Which means by taking a very small piece of fin, for example, researchers obtain as much DNA as needed. Before the analyzer, Fries says they performed liver biopsies on the fish.

04—Which is okay, but the fish don’t like it too well. (laughter)

Understanding fish genetics allows fisheries biologists to improve fisheries.

The Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series and funds fishery operations in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Birds/Wildlife: Attracting Backyard Birds

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal

This is Passport to Texas

Birding is a year-round activity in Texas that’s growing in popularity among all age groups. The wide variety of species found here keeps it interesting.

08—Texas is Mecca for birders around the world because we are on the migration flyway for the entire Western hemisphere.

Valerie Staats is past Executive Director of the Travis Audubon Society. She says birds have very simple needs.

04—Birds need food, shelter, water, and a place to raise their young.

Ms. Staats offer a few simple ways to entice a wide range of bird life into your neighborhood.

28—In the ideal world if you want to bring birds to your backyard, you’re going to have several feeders offering different types of food. Have water available- if anything, that’s more important than food. The water alone will bring a lot of birds to the backyard. One thing that people often forget is that the birds need a shelter, and by that I don’t mean a home per se, but a way to be protected from their predators while they’re enjoying what you’re offering in the backyard.

Interested in birding? Find birding information on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website.

That’s our show for today .. Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

Nature: Outdoor Resolutions for the New Year

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

Camping at Inks Lake

Camping at Inks Lake

This is Passport to Texas

Don’t you love the start of a new year? It‘s totally fresh and filled with possibilities. So, take a few minutes to consider how you’re going to make this year better for you and your family.

One way would be to get outside more, because—as we like to say: life’s better outside.

Spending time in the natural world has a way of resetting the brain and giving you a fresh perspective. Researchers have discovered that children who spend time in nature do better on exams, and are less disruptive in the classroom.

Bring a pair of walking shoes to the office, and during your lunch hour, stroll outdoors in the fresh air. Even if you’re in a city, you can still observe the varied wildlife and plant life you see along the way. It’s amazing how much nature you can actually find in a concrete jungle.

Spend time with friends or family at one of our many state parks. Most folks are within 90 minutes of a state park or natural area; many are much closer. Take a nature hike, ride a bike. Pitch a tent and sleep under the stars, or find a park with cabins and rough it indoors.

Commit to learning something new about Texas history by visiting one of the state’s incredible historic sites.

There’s a world of wonder out there, and once you spend more time outdoors, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

That’s our show…Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti