Archive for August, 2015

Take the Pledge, Receive a State Park Guide

Monday, August 3rd, 2015
Take the Pledge and take Care of Texas

Take the Pledge and take Care of Texas

This is Passport to Texas

If you’re a state park user, or plan to be, and don’t have a free Texas State Park Guide in your vehicle’s glove box, what are you waiting for?

12- That guide has full descriptions of each park; it includes helpful tips like where to go and what to pack, which parks have playgrounds, which parks have pools. That sort of information.

And isn’t that what we all want when planning a state park outing? Thomas Wilhelm works with parks, and says there’s more than one way to get your hands on a guide.

12-So, you can pick up a state park guide at any state park. You can also pick it up at any TXDOT Travel information center. Most Convention and Visitor’s Bureaus or Chambers of Commerce across the state also carry them.

No time to pick up a guide? You can get it in the mail.

14- Through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. If you got to, you can take a pledge to take care of Texas, and they will mail you–free of charge–a state park guide.

When you sign the pledge, you promise to be a good steward of Texas’ water, air and land–which you already are, right? So get your hands on a Texas State Park Guide and go outside and enjoy what you treasure about the Lone Star State.

That’s our show… Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram

For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I’m Cecilia Nasti.