Catch (and Eat) the Rainbow (Trout)

A happy angler shows off a rainbow trout caught in a Dallas-area community fishing lake stocked annually by TPWD.
This is Passport to Texas
If you’re an angler who likes to eat what you catch, then now’s the time to reel in a rainbow trout.
We stock them at a catchable and eatable size. They are good fighting fish; they’re relatively easy to catch. We usually stock them in smaller bodies of water, so they’re a good fishing, catching opportunity and good eating opportunity as well.
Carl Kittel is a program director for Inland Fisheries, and oversees winter trout stocking in Texas, which began this month.
We’ve been stocking [rainbow] trout around Texas for almost 40 years. One interesting note about trout is that we often say there are no established populations of trout in Texas, but actually, way out west in the Davis Mountains there’s a small, tiny stream at high enough elevation that there is a reproducing population of rainbow trout.
That’s why we stock them in winter; most of Texas is too hot for the. Inland fisheries will distribute 250-thousand rainbows in 150 locations.
And we have a special program; we actually stock somewhat larger trout in urban areas in our Neighborhood Fishin’ Program. And that’s something that you can specifically look for on our web page.
With the winter holidays here, it’s is a great time go fishing with the kids. Find the stocking schedule on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website.
The Sport fish restoration program supports our series and funds rainbow trout stocking in Texas.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.