Hunt Texas–Hunters

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Wildlife Restoration Program

The Hunt Texas Online Connection is a high tech way for hunters to find landowners with hunting opportunities.

We feel like hunters need all the help they can get to find opportunities, and so that’s one of the reasons we’re doing this.

Linda Campbell oversees the state’s Private Lands and Public Hunting program. The Internet was an obvious choice when deciding how to match landowners and hunters.

Well, we know that people use the Internet to find all kinds of opportunities. And more and more that is the tool people use to plan vacations and plan trips. And so, this is just one more way that we can connect the providers of opportunities with those seeking them.

Hunters may review current opportunities on the website.

As a hunter, you search the site by the type of game you’re interested in, the way you wish to harvest, the location, the county, and other attributes. So, you can do all of this and then narrow it down that way.

To contact a landowner about a listing, hunters must create an account with a user name and password.

Find a link to the Hunt Texas Online Connection at

That’s our show… with support from the Wildlife Restoration program…providing funding for the Private Lands and Public Hunting Program. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

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