Hunting/Angling: Buy Licenses Early

Pronghorn Antelope Running
This is Passport to Texas
Hunters and anglers look forward to the day licenses go on sale the way many children look forward to Christmas. Hunting and fishing licenses bring with them the hope of a harvest and the promise of time spent in the great Texas outdoors.
Licenses for the 2012-2013 seasons go on sale statewide this month.
17 – I would advise folks to buy early. The new season, dove season, opens September first. It’s on a Saturday. I think it would be a very good idea for hunters to start buying their licenses and their super combos as soon as our sales season opens, which is August fifteenth.
Tom Newton manages licensing at Texas Parks and Wildlife. You can buy your licenses online…at 17-hundred retailers statewide…at state parks…game warden offices and the Texas Parks and Wildlife headquarters in Austin.
Newton says sales this year started in the hole because of last year’s drought and heat, but because of milder temperatures and statewide rain, we’ve almost caught up to last year’s sales and may catch up by year’s end. And that’s good news for conservation.
Money spent on licenses directly supports conservation efforts in Texas. There’s more than one type of hunting license – they range from a $7 resident senior license to a $315 license for nonresident hunters.
Find links to hunting information at
The Wildlife and Sport fish Restoration Program…working to increase fishing, shooting and hunting opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti