New Game Warden Training Academy
Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife
The fifty-third Game Warden Cadet Class will be the last to graduate from the training Academy in Austin.
And, we’ll archive that class, and sometime in June and July we’ll unplug, and take the pictures off the wall, and load up the boxes and we’re going up to Hamilton County and open up that new facility.
Randy Odom is Chief of training. He says the Police Activities League of Houston donated land for the new center.
It’s large enough to house a new admin building, state of the art classroom, gymnasium, an indoor swimming pool — we hope to have constructed — a firing range, and also an emergency vehicle operating course. To have all of these facilities on site, keeps us from being at the mercy of other agencies and having to beg, borrow and schedule times for events. Not all folks are great at everything, and having on site capability allows us easy and quick remediation.
The sale of the Austin site, plus contributions from benefactors will fund building costs.
Our goal is twelve and a half million to build, and if we get fifteen million it will offer us an endowment to help offset the operating costs once its all constructed. :09
Learn how you can help make the new Game Warden Training Center a reality when you go to
That’s our show for today… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.
To learn about the New Game Warden Training Center, click here.