State Parks: National Trails Day

This is Passport to Texas

Saturday, June 2 is National Trails Day. It’s a day when we encourage everyone to lace up a pair of sturdy shoes, slather on some sun screen, fill a reusable bottle with water, and grab a healthy snack. Then head to a state park to find miles of trails waiting for your arrival. Our State Park Guide Bryan Frazier tells us more.

37—Our very own research in state parks—from park visitors on site—says that the number one most sought after amenity and experience when they get to a park is hiking trails. We have more than 25 state parks in Texas, all over the lone star States, where we will be doing nature hikes and birding hikes and interpretive hikes. And they’ll be uphill and they’ll be downhill. And they’ll be on boardwalks and even on the beach. So it’s a great time to get out and enjoy—not only a little bit of healthy exercise—but to see once again just what makes Texas Texas—and state parks are great places to discover that.

Thanks Bryan

That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife I’m Cecilia Nasti.

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