State Parks: Wildlife Hikes

Hiking in State Parks

Hiking in State Parks

This is Passport to Texas

It’s finally cool enough to do some serious hiking in state parks…and there’s plenty to see when you go…especially if you’re on the lookout for the state’s abundant wildlife. It’s cool enough for them to be milling around, now, too. Our state Park Guide, Bryan Frasier tells us more.

47— I’m so glad we’re doing a show on this, because it’s one of the most enjoyable experiences that you can do outdoors — and one of the most popular. And it’s great for kids. I was out the other day in a greenbelt, looked up into a big live oak tree, and there was a gray fox sitting in the tree. We’re blessed with a variety of wildlife, and if you walk slowly and look through the tree lines and just see…the excitement that kids experience when they observe wildlife like that in the woods — for the first time sometimes — there’s no experience like it. And it’s just a real discovery moment for them, and good for everyone. So, when you’re outside and enjoying the great weather here in the fall in Texas, take time to see the wildlife that are already there. It will really enrich your already great hiking experience.

Thanks, Bryan.

That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

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