State Parks: World Birding Center

Birders at Blind, image © John W. Liston
This is Passport to Texas
Winter is one of the best times for birders to visit the World Birding Center in the Rio Grande Valley. Our state park guide Bryan Frazier says this sub tropical region boasts myriad species that you won’t see at any other place or time of year in Texas.
58— You’ve got about 500 species of birds that either reside there, or travel through there and spend some time there. And winter months, particularly in January, is about the best time to see most of them. And we’re talking about everything from birds of prey like Swainson’s hawks and falcons, to colorful sub tropic species like Altamira orioles and groove billed Anis. And Green jays – just spectacularly colored birds that draw people from all over. These are one of the few places you can see them – and one of the only places in Texas where you can see them. And, wintertime, in general, is the best time to go down there. Head to the Rio Grande Valley, and you can visit Estero Llano Grande SP in Weslaco, Resaca de la Palma SP, just outside of Brownsville, and
Bentsen Rio Grande Valley SP…the food and the culture there in South Texas is rich and diverse and unique. And the birding opportunities are second to none.
Thanks, Bryan.
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.