Take Me Fishing Houston
Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Sport Fish Restoration Program
For most of us the expression “gone fishing” is a euphemism that means we’re goofing off. But for elementary school students in Katy ISD, gone fishing means just that.
At Golbow Elementary they had the first fishing club, and that’s where they really started the KATY ISD Anglers.
Keiko (CAKE-oh) Davidson, principal at Hutsell Elementary in Katy ISD followed Golbow’s lead and brought the TPW Take Me Fishing Houston program to her students with a goal, in part, to improve academic scores in science.
Our scores, as measured by the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills… in 2007… 78% of our boys and girls demonstrated proficiency on that test. Last year 94% of our boys and girls in fifth grade demonstrated proficiency.
The community has embraced Take Me Fishing Houston by volunteering at events, as well as contributing in other ways. Exposing students to positive community involvement is an added benefit of the program.
Most of all, I think it gives children a chance to connect with the larger community. Their own particular family, family members, getting their family engaged in activities that involve interaction in the out of doors. That’s what I want them to take away…and to have a happy memory of their school experience at Hutsell.
That’s our show for today… made possible by a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration Program…working to increase fishing opportunities in Texas…
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti