Texas Nature Trackers: Training Trainers
This is Passport to Texas
Texas Nature Trackers is a citizen science program whereby Texans monitor species that biologists don’t commonly scrutinize.
05—So, we don’t have a lot of information on these species and we need to know what’s going on.
Biologist, Marsha May, oversees the program, which includes monitoring amphibians and freshwater mussels.
13—Many of these species are indicators of the health of our environment. And if we have a healthy frog population [for example] in a body of water within our community, then that’s a clean body of water.
Sound interesting? Consider attending the training on May 19 & 20 at Lake Livingston State Park, in Livingston in East Texas.
17—We’re actually doing a combination. Where, on one evening, we will do amphibian watch, because the best time to hear frog calls are at night. And then the following day—during the daytime—we’ll do mussel watch. So, people can either do both workshops, or they can do one or the other.
Complete this training and earn a scientific permit to handle either amphibians or mussels.
15—After that, they pick a site where they want to monitor, and they monitor on a regular basis, and then send us the data. If they need information, or if they need support, we are always there for them.
Find workshop details on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. The Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program supports our series and helps to fund the operations and management of more than 50 wildlife management areas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.