TPW Magazine: Bass Fishing at Night

AUSTIN, TX – APRIL 21, 2015 – Dan Campbell night bass fishing in his kayak on Lake Austin in Austin, Texas.
This is Passport to Texas
The stars at night are big and bright in Texas, and so are the bass. They’re big, anyway. It seems the biggest of the big come out when the sun goes down.
07- Talking with a number of people who practice fishing at night, I got a lot of tips on where and why and how.
Larry Hodge, with the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens compiled tips on bass fishing at night for an article in the July issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine. According to the guides and anglers he interviewed, big fish come into the shallows at night, because that’s when the food arrives.
25- At night, the bait fish–shad, primarily–minnows, crayfish, and other things that know that daytime is the dangerous time to be out because you might get eaten, tend to move up into shallow water at night because it’s safer–until a big bass comes along. So, there’s more food at night available up in the shallow water, and the bass know that, so that’s when they go fishing.
Tomorrow, Larry Hodge returns to tell us the best place fish for bass at night, and the gear to have with you when going after the big one.
05– Use heavy line. Heavy equipment. And be prepared to do battle with a really big bass.
The Sport Fish restoration program supports our series.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.