TPW Magazine: January/February Issue
Photo and caption by Michael Mezeul II (from National Geographic Photo Contest 2012)
The Milky Way graces the west Texas night sky over Fort Griffin. Fort Griffin was a Cavalry fort that was established in the late 1860s to provide settlers protection from Kiowa and Comanche Indian raids. The view of the night sky, from past to present, remains the same.
Location: Albany, Texas
This is Passport to Texas
A comfy chair, a hot beverage, and a good read make a winter’s day pure pleasure. You’re on your own with the chair and beverage, but Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine has you covered with the reading. Editor, Louie Bond.
62— Well, I always like to think of the deep winter issues as the ones you want to snuggle up and spend some time reading. So we put a little smorgasbord of things in our January/February issue. And the cover story is by Russell Graves, and it is about how to teach your kid how to love the outdoors, called “Dirty Nails and Goat Slobber”. And it’s all about kids letting play in the dirt. And Russell is such a great person to write this article. He was Ag teacher of the year in Texas. He has two kids of his own who are great outdoorsmen. And he’s got six quick steps to teach your kid be a great outdoors person. And then, to counter that, we have this beautiful photo essay by our own Chase Fountain called “Into the Night”, which is this whole variety of starscapes and light and all kinds of things that go bump in the night, and I think people are really going to enjoy that. And then our final feature this month is on pond management. Now who wouldn’t want to have their own pond in their backyard where they could just stick a line in, catch a fish, and while away a lazy afternoon? It’s a really wide variety of articles this month, and I think there’s going to be something in there to please everyone.
Thanks, Louie. Look for the January/February issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine on newsstands.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.