Outdoor Story–Passport Intern Sarah Loden
Tuesday, October 7th, 2008Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories from Texas Parks and Wildlife
Passport intern, Sarah Loden, shares a story about her lifelong appreciation of fireflies.
I grew up on a small street in San Antonio, and our backyard was woods, and at night there were fireflies.
We moved from that house into the suburbs, where fireflies do not live, and that was something I didn’t really think about until I went camping with one of my friends that I had made in my new suburban neighborhood.
So her family took me camping near Garner State Park. And I remember the first night there being fireflies, and how exciting that was. And we were like 12-years old, and we went out, and we caught them, and we killed them, and rubbed them on our skin and made ourselves glow, and that was a really fun amusement. I think one boy actually tried to eat it to see if his mouth would glow. I don’t really remember what the result of that was.
But, yeah, it’s something nice about a little blinking light that you chase after. I do like fireflies a lot—even now. Where my boyfriend lives, it’s really woody there, and I just saw one the other night. But, it’s so rare, which is why it’s such a treat.
Thanks, Sarah. Go to passporttotexas.org and share your Texas Outdoor Story, if we use it, we’ll send you a Passport t-shirt.
That’s our show… Remember: Life’s Better Outside ©…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.