Archive for September, 2009

A Texas Style Running of the Bulls

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Sport Fish Restoration Program

Texas anglers look forward to the annual running of the bulls — bull redfish, that is.

It’s large schools of mature red drum – male and female – aggregating near gulf passes to spawn.

Bill Balboa is Galveston Bay Ecosystem Leader. The bull red run begins in late August, crescendos about now, and continues through the fall. And these fish, most over 28-inches long, give anglers a good fight.

They call them bulls for a reason, and it’s because they’re very strong fish; they don’t give up easily. So generally most anglers are going to fish for bull reds in the surf using what I would consider typical surf tackle — which is a little bit heavier rod and reel, because what they can expect is a lot of long runs from this fish. They pull very hard. Much like a bull would pull if you had it on a rope.

Although anglers can reel in bull reds all along the gulf coast, their best opportunities lie north of Matagorda Bay.

:08—A lot of bull red fishing occurs in Sergeant up off of Freeport; Crystal Beach and Bolivar, in that area, and off of Sabine Pass.

Learn more about the annual bull red run when you visit

That’s our show…made possible by the Sport Fish Restoration Program…working to increase fishing and boating opportunities in Texas.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Hunt Safe

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Wildlife Restoration Program

Fall hunting season has finally arrived. But before you grab your camouflage and hunter’s orange, make sure your gun is in top working order. Terry Erwin, hunter education coordinator for Texas Parks and Wildlife, says a properly maintained firearm is a safe firearm.

Once your firearm has set up all year, you need to take it out and make sure its clean, and make sure its operating properly. Make sure everything is functioning and that all the springs and screws are tight and in order. You wouldn’t want to get out there and have that shotgun misfire or malfunction.

A properly functioning firearm is only part of the safety equation when out in the field. During dove season, for example, hunters need to be aware of their surroundings, especially when it comes to who’s around them when they pull the trigger.

I would say that when you’re in the dove field, at least be aware of your zones of fire. Make sure that you’re not crossing over or shooting into someone else’s zone. And, doves can see color, but be sure and wear a blaze orange hat, at least to let your hunting partners know the proximity of where you are in relation to them. And always be safe out there in the field.

Find links to hunting safety and other hunting information at

That’s our show. Made possible by a grant from Wildlife restoration Program…working to create more shooting and hunting opportunities in Texas…for Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.