State Parks: Cleburne State Park
Monday, August 27th, 2012
Cleburne State Park
This is Passport to Texas
Off the beaten path, Cleburne State Park – outside of the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex – is a nearly hidden treasure. And one that our State park Guide Bryan Frazier says has received a face lift and some bridgework.
57— Cleburne State Park is about 580 acres. It’s off the beaten path just enough that a lot of people don’t know about it. And not only has it recently had millions of dollars of improvements, but now they’ve restored a CCC built bridge. What they’ve done is now they have made it a foot bridge instead of having vehicle traffic that goes across it. And this incredible structure that was built in the 1930s is still supporting everything you would need in infrastructure. They shored it up and cleaned it up…and it has all the signature CCC hand built bricks that are on there. And it’s probably 25 to 30 feet tall from the bridge to the creek bottom that it crosses. And now, the new road that goes around and by passes allows vehicle traffic into the park. It’s just one more part of the history of the CCC and Cleburne State Park. And you’ve got miles of hike and bike trails—it’s gorgeous scenery, great fishing in the lake. It’s a park that people need to check out.
Thanks Bryan
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife I’m Cecilia Nasti.