Archaeology School, 1

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

In June, the Texas Archaeological Society (TAS) offers a Field School where folks dig in the dirt to explore our state’s history. Bryan Jameson is Field School Committee Chairman.

I have people who come up to me and I’ll mention archeology and they think of dinosaurs, and archeology obviously is the study of the people of the past. That’s why archeology sites are so important.

The 2007 Field School takes place in Menard, and celebrates the historic site of Presidio San Saba.

This year represents the 250th anniversary of Presidio San Saba. We’re going to do some excavations at the Presidio with the intent of hoping to define more of the architecture, features that we may find to help us figure out what the daily life of these people in an 18th century post would have been like.

TAS promotes the importance of archeology with hands-on activities and education during the summer event.

We’re trying to educate everyone as much as we can as to the importance of archeology and this is one way to accomplish that. Archeology sites are a very limited resource. So, hopefully by people coming and attending and being part of it, they realize exactly what we are trying to say to them. Preservation of our history can only be accomplished by these means.

Field School is June 9th through 16th. Register online at…. the deadline is May 31st.

Tomorrow, getting kids involved in archeology.

That’s our show for today…with research and writing help from Loren Seeger…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti

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