Archive for the 'State Parks' Category

State Parks 2015 Christmas Ornaments

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015
2015 Park Ornaments

Texas State Parks Christmas Ornaments for 2015

This is Passport to Texas

Tradition is what the holidays are about. And it’s a tradition for Texas Parks and Wildlife to commemorate state parks this time of year with ornaments.

12—That’s right. We’re on our 14th annual edition of our state park Christmas ornaments. This year we feature three different parks: Brazos Bend State Park, Mustang Island State Park, and Blanco State Park.

Thomas Wilhelm, spokesman for Texas state parks, says these rustic wooden, laser engraved ornaments tell each park’s story. The Blanco State Park ornament has special meaning this year as it recovers from spring flooding.

15—Blanco is having their own recovery story. The park is back open, but we did want to nod to the fact that they’ve had a tough year, but we wanted to commemorate that park and show off a little bit of their history and how they continue to thrive after the events of this spring.

The 2015 ornaments are available individually or as a set.

12—You can purchase the individual ornaments for $8.95, or you can purchase the set for $19.95. Call our customer service center 512.389.8900, and they can take your order over the phone.

The money raised helps support your state parks.

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Christmas in Texas State Parks

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015
Happy Holidays from Passport to Texas and Texas State Parks!

Happy Holidays from Passport to Texas and Texas State Parks!

This is Passport to Texas

It’s not like we have to stay indoors huddled around a fireplace to stay warm during the holidays. It’s Texas, after all. But you can warm your spirit outdoors with a trip to a state park this holiday season.

04— We have over 47 parks participating this year, with over 65 events. So, lots of opportunities happening across the state.

Thomas Wilhelm, with state parks, shares a few places where we can find seasonal fun across the state.

48—At Franklin Mountains State Park they’re having an event called Howliday Hounds Hike, dressing up animals is Santa hats and going for hikes. LBJ State Park and Historic site here in Central Texas is having its 46th Annual Christmas Tree lighting. That’s been going on for a long time and it’s a lot of fun. Stephen F. Austin State Park, out towards Houston, is having its family Breakfast with Santa. And Lake Mineral Wells State Park up towards the Dallas area is having a [Cross-Timbers] Cowboy Christmas. With Cowboy poets and storytellers coming in to sit around the campfire and tell stories. There are events happening at several of our Valley area parks. Estero Llano Grande is having—one of the birding centers—is having a Santa Bird Hike. And, Resaca de la Palma, also in the valley, is having a Jolly Night Hike. And they’ll also have crafts and live performances by local talent.

Find a complete list of holiday events in state parks at

That’s our show for today… Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram

For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Thanksgiving & Christmas in State Parks

Monday, November 16th, 2015
Making Christmas Cookies at LBJ State parks

Making Christmas Cookies at LBJ State parks. See larger cookie recipe below.


This is Passport to Texas

November is the gateway to the holiday season. And that means Texas State Parks will be bustling with festive activities.

04—Yeah, we have a lot of fall activities happening in November.

Thomas Wilhelm works with Texas State Parks.

13—For example, at Meridian State Park, which is just west of Waco, they’re having a Thanksgiving recovery hike. So, the Saturday after Thanksgiving you can go out and hike off some of those calories that you may have picked up on Thanksgiving.

Want to go in the other direction and consume calories instead of burn them? Learn to make food fit for a holiday camp out… including sweet treats.

14—Palmetto State Park is having a harvest themed Dutch oven Cooking session, and Lyndon Baines Johnson State Park near Johnson City is having a holiday cookie decorating event as they start preparing for the Christmas season.

The folks at LBJ State Park even shared an old fashioned cookie recipe with us. Find it at

11—The holidays tend to be so rushed—and they’re so commercialized—so, parks offer an opportunity to slow down just a little bit. Take it in. And celebrate the holidays the way they were intended.

Go to for a list of all holiday events in parks.

That’s our show for today… Funding provided in part by Ram Trucks. Guts. Glory. Ram

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Christmas Cookies


Unwrap the Wild

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015
Unwrap the Wild

Unwrap the Wild, image courtesy

This is Passport to Texas

Nature is a gift we give ourselves the moment we step outside. Share the beauty and Unwrap the Wild; give the gift of the Texas outdoors to others w/a state park pass.

12-This is the second year that we’ve launched Unwrap the Wild. And it’s an opportunity to give back to Texas by supporting your state parks, and to provide friends, family, loved ones–or yourself–with an annual parks pass.

Anne (Annie) Brown is executive director with the Texas Parks and Wildlife foundation, the official non-profit partner of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. During Unwrap the Wild a park pass only costs sixty-five dollars.

12-Which is five dollars off what they usually cost. In addition, they can be purchased online and mailed directly here from our offices in Dallas to individuals for a holiday gift.

Ninety state parks–many within a 90 minute drive or less for most of us–provide pass holders outdoor adventures that are close, convenient, and available a
full 365 days.

13-We launch our Unwrap the Wild on November third, and it will run through December 19th, to make sure that we can get all the park passes to homes before the holiday is here.

Pass holders have a year from the day they redeem their certificate to use their State Parks Pass for waived entry fees for themselves and all the guests in their vehicle. Find details at

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Halloween Hijinks in State Parks

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015
Donna Garde, © Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Giant spider web at Lake Towakani. Donna Garde, © Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

This is Passport to Texas

Texas State Parks and Historic sites are pulling out the stops for Halloween.

13— There are some pretty unique events. Eisenhower State Park up on the Texas / Oklahoma border, for example, is having a Zombie Apocalypse Hike. So, it’s an opportunity to not only get outdoors, but to learn some survival skills.

Survival skills like, maybe, how to outrun zombies so they don’t eat your brains? Thomas Wilhelm, with state parks, says to expect more traditional activities as well.

23—Lake Tawakoni has Boo in the park, which is just trick-or-treat through the campground area. Fort Richardson is having a contest; their friends group is offering a hundred dollar prize for the best decorated campsite. Estero Llano Grande in the valley is having their ninth annual spooky science fest. The theme this year is Jurassic Estero; so, dinosaurs, costumes and all sorts of fun opportunities.

Most Texans live 90 minutes or less from a state park or historic site, making Halloween fun convenient, safe and affordable.

13—Most of these events are included with your park entrance. A few that are having special events are having either specials pricing—some there are no fees. Some are doing special per car pricing. Contact a park beforehand if you have questions about pricing.

Find a full schedule of Halloween and fall events in State Parks by region at

For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.