Recreation: Government Canyon SNA

Government Canyon SNA
This is Passport to Texas
Government Canyon State Natural Area is minutes from the bustling urban center of San Antonio.
15—We have about forty miles of hiking and biking trails right on the edge of the Hill Country. So, we have some beautiful area that people just love to come out and visit and hike and bike and do nature watching and it’s just kind of an oasis just right on the outskirts of San Antonio.
Chris Holm is the natural area superintendent. The site is home to threatened and endangered species, like the golden cheeked warbler, and over the recharge zone for the Edwards Aquifer. Soon-to-be 12-thousand acres, up from its current eight, Government Canyon offers visitors a wilderness experience close to home.
13—It’s not too, too rustic, though. I mean, you have access to facilities and there is staff around. And that’s one of the neat things about state parks and state natural areas. You have staff available to assist if you need something – and you’re five or ten minutes from home.
Since it opened, Government canyon State Natural Area has been for day use only. But that’s changing.
05—Yes. Starting in October…October fifth and sixth will be our first opening weekend for camping.
We’ll have more about Government Canyon State Natural area and what you can expect from an overnight experience at the site, on tomorrow’s show.
Until next time…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.