State Parks: Celebrating Bastrop’s Recovery

Bastrop State Park Entrance During the Fire
This is Passport to Texas
After the wildfires last year, it’s taken coordinated efforts among public and private interests and individuals and even nature to start bringing back Bastrop State Park and the surrounding community. And one year later, our State park Guide, Bryan Frazier says – it’s time to celebrate.
55— So, to mark that anniversary of the fire, lots of activities are going to be happening in Bastrop State Park. Around Labor Day – which this year is September third – there’s going to be a Fun Run that’s going to be held by the YMCA of Bastrop, which operates the swimming pool inside the state park. And the run will go around the park. And that’s going to be from about 7:30 in the morning until about 10 in the morning. And then there’s going to be all kinds of exhibits and activities. There will be even things like how to become a firefighter at the refectory and dining at Bastrop State Park. All kinds of activities for the whole family. And then on Sunday, the Ministerial Alliance has set aside a time about two o’clock in the afternoon where there will be a fellowship service to just talk about that, you know, people are still in recovery in some respect. On Monday, September third, there will be a community potluck. The park looks great and we’re looking at how can we make Bastrop State Park even better as we look forward.
Thanks Bryan
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife I’m Cecilia Nasti.