TPW Magazine: December 2012 Preview

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This is Passport to Texas
Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is celebrating its 70th anniversary and Editor Louie Bond is here to tell us more.
60– We’re so proud to present this 70th anniversary issue; and we have some great stories in it by people past and present who have been involved with the agency and the magazine — including our own fearless leader, the Executive Director, Carter Smith, who has a wonderful little anecdote I thought I’d share with you. He said he started reading the magazine as far back as he could remember. He read his grandmother’s issues. And his grandmother finally bought him a subscription, and he said it was likely that she was so tired of him pilfering them. He said ‘Who could blame her? If I didn’t run off with her copy each month, I’d rip out pictures of deer and bobcat and West Texas mountains and coastal sunrises. My love affair with our wild things and wild places was in no small part shaped by that early exposure to the stunning wildlife photography and essays on all things outdoors. I still read it cover to cover multiple times.’ So, when you have a boss like that who supports your magazine this way, you can’t help but be happy to celebrate 70 years. And I hope our readers
will enjoy it.
Thanks, Louie
More information about the magazine and subscriptions at
That’s our show for today…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.