TPW TV: Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame

Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame Inductee Tommy Martin, image from Vimeo
This is Passport to Texas
This month on the Texas Parks and Wildlife PBS television series, meet an inductee into the 2012 Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame, who – says series producer, Don Cash – would go fishing even if it weren’t his job.
60— On the Parks and Wildlife television show, we’re going to feature inductees into the Texas Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame for 2012.And one of them is a guy named Tommy Martin whose been fishing professionally for over 40 years. Tommy won a tournament way back when; one of those Bass Masters, way back in the days of black and white film. And he talked about how much money he made then, and the difference in how much they make now. What I thought was kind of interesting about Tommy is despite the fact he’s on the water 200-250 days a year, either fishing tournaments of guiding, in his spare time, he still likes to go fishing. So, right now there are 24 inductees in the Texas Freshwater Hall of Fame, which is located in Athens, at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries center. Some of the guys are professional fishermen. Some of them are boat builders. Some of them are guys that like to fish and maybe decided to help kids learn. But everybody in the hall of fame obviously has a love for fishing. And Texas is a great place to have that love.
Thanks, Don.
The Sport Fish Restoration program supports our series and provides funding for the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.