Archive for June, 2007

National Fishing and Boating Week

Friday, June 1st, 2007

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Sport Fish Restoration Program

National Fishing and Boating Week is June 2 through 10– and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Texas is diving into the celebration.

Well, right here at the beginning of the summer, we want to celebrate the fact that Texas has a multitude of opportunities for people to get out on the water to enjoy fishing and enjoy boasting and enjoy family time.

Ann Miller is aquatic education coordinator for Parks and Wildlife.

All over the state, we’ve got some wonderful family oriented events that are happening. And these events include fishing clinics and fishing derbies, and they cover the entire state from Lake Arrowhead State Park and Eisenhower State Park, up near the Oklahoma border to Galveston Island State Park and Huntsville State Park. And even in San Antonio and the Austin area – we’ve got lots of state parks who are holding these events.

When it comes to enjoying the outdoors, most people like to add water to the mix.

Every person enjoys water in a different way. But I think there’s just something innate in humans that water is just one of those ingredients that create fun.

Find links to boating and fishing opportunities at

That’s our show for today… with support from the Sport Fish Restoration Program… encouraging Texans to participate in Free Sport Fishing Day —Saturday, June 2nd. For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.