State Parks: Easter Egg Hunts
Monday, March 25th, 2013
Image by Darcy Rocha, Rockwall, Texas
This is Passport to Texas
Two state parks will be open for hunting on March 30th. Our State park Guide, Bryan Frazier, tells us what hunters hope to bag…or in this case: basket.
60—Some of our parks are having Easter Egg Hunts the day before Easter, which is Saturday, March 30th.Those are both in east Texas. It’s Cooper lake State Park, which is north of Interstate 30, east of Dallas, and Martin Dies, Jr. State Park, which is in southeast Texas. And both of them will divide the kids by age, where there will be more egg hunting and candy and things for the younger kids. And then, the older kids will have more prizes and games. They’re safe places to bring your kids. Cooper Lake State Park is waiving the entrance fee for this event. So, check our state parks website; there’s an events section there and calendar – and you can find out more about that at But, we’re right now in the beginning of the outdoor visitation season for most people – and there’s a reason for that. The weather’s getting good and warm – it’s a beautiful time to be out in the parks. And Easter is just a precious time for small children, especially, to get outdoors, hunt those Easter Eggs, and be with your family outside.
Thanks, Bryan.
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.