Birding Event: International Migratory Bird Day, 1
Thursday, May 2nd, 2013
Image Courtesy National Park Service
This is Passport to Texas
In the early 1990s, scientists started noticing that some populations of migratory birds were declining.
10-There was a concern about what these causes were, and at the same time there was considerable interest in getting the public involved in learning more about birds and their conservation…
Susan Bonfield is Executive Director of Environment for the Americas. Her non-profit coordinates International Migratory Bird Day, an event created as a direct result of scientists’ concerns over declining avian populations.
12-Several researchers at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird center came up with the idea of hosting a public event to get communities involved in learning about birds. And that was the origins of International Migratory Bird Day.
It is the second Saturday of May for the US and Canada, and is intended to occur during peak migration. The idea is to give folks an opportunity to see these migrants.
09-That doesn’t work for everyone. So, for example, in some parts of Canada it may too early, and some parts of the United States, even, it’s a little bit too late—migratory birds have already passed over.
This time of year is excellent for bird watching in Texas. Tomorrow: celebrating birds at an event, or your own backyard.
The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration project supports our series…and funds diverse conservation projects in Texas.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.