Wildlife: Backyard Birds
Tuesday, February 5th, 2013
Tufted Titmouse from allaboutbirds.org
This is Passport to Texas
Whatever your age or skill level, birding is a simple and satisfying way to engage the outdoors.
09— You know, [it’s] just having the reason to go outside and observe…. Getting out there and looking beyond yourself, I think, provides perspective, and is fulfilling in itself.
Cullen Hanks is an avid birder and administrator of the Texas Natural Diversity Database for Parks and Wildlife.
07—And I’ve connected with birds on many levels; one is just watching and getting a little bit of perspective of the drama in their lives.
And, February 15 – 18, when you witness the drama unfold in your own backyard, share your data with the Great Backyard Bird Count.
37—I haven’t participated specifically in the backyard bird count. However, I do contribute observations and checklists to eBird, which is collaborating with the Great Backyard Bird Count. Why do you feel it’s important to share what you’ve seen in your own backyard? One of the primary reasons, is there’s value in itself in going out and paying attention and creating these lists. And, the eBird interface, and the Great Backyard Bird Count are great ways to do that. In addition, contributing that data, gives us another lens on how to understand how bird populations are changing.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is co sponsored by Audubon and the Cornell Lab or Ornithology Find more information at www.birdcount.org.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.