Conservation: Crab Trap Cleanup
Wednesday, February 13th, 2013
Crab Trap Cleanup, photo by Art Morris, © Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
This is passport to Texas
Since 2002, more than 29-thousand derelict crab traps have been removed from Texas bays.
:13— Through our program we have documented over forty species of organisms that are caught in these traps that include game fish, and commercially important fish, and even Diamond back terrapins which are a species of special concern.
That’s Art Morris is a biologist with Coastal Fisheries. He says Parks and Wildlife is gearing up for the Sixteenth annual Crab Trap clean up, February 15-24. Volunteers are needed.
:34—Anybody can volunteer, however, we primarily need people with boats, and particularly air boats. But there are jobs for people that don’t have a boat. We need people to unload boats; we need people to maybe sometimes to go out with people that will have crew members to go out with them. We’ll provide gloves; we’ll have tarps for boats. You don’t need to sign up for anything. We would like you to call ahead of time so we can get an estimate of how many people are going to come to that site. Most of our work’s going to be done in San Antonio bay, north, because that’s where most of the crabbing effort goes on. But anybody can volunteer, and they can do it on their own.
The main cleanup event is February 16 from 8:00 to noon; check the Texas Parks and Wildlife website or find information on how to volunteer at
Morris warns to remove traps only during Feb. 15-24 as it is illegal all other times as traps are private property.
That’s our show…with support from the Sport Fish Restoration Program…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti