Parks/Angling: Lake Raven for Bass Fishing
Monday, February 18th, 2013
Hunstville State Park’s Lake Raven
This is Passport to Texas
Largemouth bass fishing reigns supreme in Texas; while most anglers choose to cast in big lakes like Amistad, our SP Guide, Bryan Frazier tells us smaller State Park lakes, like Lake Raven, might surprise you.
53— Lake Raven, only 210 acres, inside Huntsville State Park – very scenic — was rated as the number one bass lake for bass in the 14 to 17-inch size. And one of the top overall lakes that was done in the study for all year. It gets overlooked a lot. Lake Raven is just one example. Bass fishing in Texas is legendary; it is maybe the model fishery for the rest of the United States. And the inland fisheries department here does a fantastic job with that. And it’s a good marriage with state parks, because of all the other recreation. And Huntsville SP, where Lake Raven is, has lots of other things to offer. From miles and miles of trails to horseback riding – you can rent horses there – and lots of different things. But the fishing…Lake Raven really is a shining star; smaller bodies of water can oftentimes have great fishing, too. And state parks – when you’re inside a state park, no one even needs a fishing license, with the free fishing in state parks, And Lake raven is one of them. But bass fishing in Texas is king, and Lake Raven is at the top of the list.
Thanks, Bryan.
That’s our show for today…with funding provided by Chevrolet, supporting outdoor recreation in Texas; because there’s life to be done.
For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.