TPW Magazine February Preview

January 25th, 2008

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

The February issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine, on newsstands now, offers readers an insightful article highlighting the plight of a vanishing Texas prairie; Managing Editor Louie Bond.

Texas is home to twelve million acres of gently rolling land called Blackland prairie, or it was at one time, which we visit in the February issue. Pioneers called the Blackland soil “nooner” soil, because it was often too gummy to plow in the morning, and hard as concrete by mid-afternoon. But Blackland Prairie can also be beautiful, as writer Henry Chapel discovered when he visited a rare one hundred and ten acre parcel that was chest deep in a riot of wildflowers. Unfortunately, due to grazing and the success of the cotton crop, Blackland prairie is the most rare and endangered habitat in Texas, if not in all of North America. As much as 98 percent of it is gone. As author Mark White says, if we think of the Blackland prairie as a person, all that we have left is the sliver of a fingernail.

The February issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is on newsstands now. Or, you can subscribe to this monthly publication. Find out how at

While you’re there, you’ll also find a link to more information about the Blackland prairie.

That’s our show… We record our series in Austin, Texas, at the Production Block Studios…our engineer is Joel Block…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

Outdoor Story: Judith Nees

January 24th, 2008

Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Waco resident, Judith Nees, is passionate about Atlanta State Park in east Texas. She calls it a hidden gem, and says it is priceless.

Atlanta State Park has so much to offer. What I liked the most was the tent camping areas were spacious enough from each other that you would never know that you even had a neighbor for the way they’re designed.

The park rangers there are very knowledgeable about the historical angle of the park. It was a Caddoan settlement at one time. There are mounds there from our understanding, but they are protected from the public, and I can understand why.

The park has both fire rings as well as griddles to grill on. They offer electricity and water. We noticed the restrooms are very, very nice. They each have showers in them—very clean. And it’s just a nice park settled in East Texas.

With hiking and interpretive nature trails—in addition to fishing and swimming—Judith says everyone can find something to love about Atlanta SP.

Do you have a favorite state park you want to tell us about, or outdoor experience you want to share? Go to, and click on the tab for Outdoor Stories.

That’s our show…Remember: Life’s Better Outside…For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

SurfRider: Surfers Making A Differece

January 23rd, 2008

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Looking to catch some waves this winter?

The rule of thumb in Texas is, the farther South you go, the nicer the water is and the bigger the waves are.

Rick Thomsen is the chapter chair of the Central Texas Chapter of Surfrider, an environmental organization that raises awareness about ocean related issues through its members’ passion for surfing. We caught up with him in October at Texas Parks and Wildlife EXPO.

We’re always concerned about clean water, so we’re interested in our watersheds. But one of the bigger issues in Texas is access to our beaches because we have some of the highest erosion rates in the United States. So what happens, if there’s irresponsible development and houses are too close to the beach and then the beaches erode – a lot of house s end up actually on the beach and then we have an access issue.

Access is a major concern for Surfrider’s surfer and non-surfer members alike. Luckily…

Texas has one of the strongest beach access laws on the books. It’s the Texas Open Beaches Act. Everybody has access from the low tide line to the mean high tide line and then we actually have an easement up into the grass line.

For more information on beach access and on the SurfRider organization, visit

That’s our show…with research and writing help from Kate Lipinski… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.


Environmental Corps

January 22nd, 2008

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

Environmental Corps is an AmeriCorps program,, helping to preserve and restore state parks and empower people. We caught up with them at this year’s EXPO.

Actually, someone came by the booth from San Antonio. He’s in a hiking organization and he said they’ve already been on six of our trails.

Donald Jackson is a volunteer with Environmental Corps.

We do a lot of work with local non-profits that are involved with the environment. We do work with local schools on environmental education. We do work with some community gardens.

Invasive species removal and trail building are two major E-corps projects.

Invasive species removal means a lot of chain sawing. So we’ll spend about seven hours sawing down cedar trees and anything else that is sort of invasive and not supposed to be in a site and dragging it and piling it up. So a lot of hard work. When we’re doing trail building, it’s more sort of fun and interesting. We do a lot of rock hauling and we try and use a lot of found materials. We just use whatever rocks and logs we can get from the area.

E-Corps has statewide impact; Teresa Turlick is another volunteer

We go around the state doing conservation work in different parks. We had a spike trip out to Big Bend earlier this year, one out to Possum Kingdom.

More information about E-Corps is available at That’s our show…with research and writing help from Kate Lipinski… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.

American Youthworks, Environmental Corps:

Drive Clean Across Texas

January 21st, 2008

Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife

With over 100 state parks and historic sites to explore, many Texans may find themselves lured into their vehicles to drive the open road. But traveling by car has its downsides. Air pollution is becoming a serious problem in Texas and vehicle emissions are a major contributor to the problem.

You don’t have to drive a hybrid to make a difference in lowering emissions.

Michelle Hoelscher (HOLE-sure) works for the Texas Transportation Institute and the Drive Clean Across Texas Campaign.

Poor air quality and other environmental exposure really aggravates asthma, lung disease, heart disease.

Drive Clean Across Texas has come up with five basic steps people can take to help improve air quality.

Maintain your vehicle, drive less, buy a cleaner vehicle if you can, drive the speed limit and reduce idling. And if people could just do two of the five things like maintain your vehicle and reduce your idling – it would go a long way to help reduce vehicle emissions.

To find out more about how you can drive cleaner across Texas, visit at

That’s our show…with research and writing help from Kate Lipinski… For Texas Parks and Wildlife…I’m Cecilia Nasti.